Kathaleen King

Kathaleen King
Massage Therapist
Phone: (865) 898-1499
Kathaleen has been in the industry for 14 years. She specializes in Core Myofacial Release, Trigger Point Thereapy, and Ortho Bionics (Positional Release). Her specific services include infant massage, geriatric massage, hot stone massage, acupressure, Reike, aromatherapy, young living rain drop therapy, rehab and restorative massages, and more.
Kathaleen is a licensed massage therapist and deep tissue therapist, and she specializes in Rehab and Restorative massages. Kathleen will do this on site seated and at events. She uses Biofreeze products and is present at many massage events.
TouchPro® chair massage
hot stone massage
fibromyalgia massage
medical massage
active isolated stretching
Hand and foot reflexology also available
Call today to register for the next partner massage class.
I teach infant massage to new parents.
For more information about Kathaleen, visit http://www.MassageAssociatesKnoxville.com/